Pre-reading Activity Anticipation Guide

  • Before you read a short story on the Under Ground Rail Road: Read each statement. Record "agree" in the column on the right if you believe the statement is correct and "disagree" if you think the statement is incorrect.
  • After you read a short story on the Under Ground Rail Road. Re-read the statements and fill out the left column. If any of your answers have changed, write a brief explanation at the bottom of the page explaining why.

Before Reading

Agree or Disagree?


After Reading

Agree or Disagree?



Do you know what segregated means?



Do you know what a slave is?



Do you know who Martin Luther King Jr. is?



Do you know what freedom is?



Do you know what a civil right is?



Is slavery fair?



Do you know what racism is?



Is racism right or wrong?



Do you know what boycotts means?



Do you know who Rosa Parks is?